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Spenser's Legacy Animal Rescue

Who We Are
Spenser's Story

I expect to pass through life but once.  If therefore, there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again.

~William Penn


Our Deepest Appreciation to the Following:

Brian Black                                                   

Brian was instrumental in writing up a bill of materials needed to get started on constructing the suites in the "Feline Facility." We appreciate the effort he made to help us get this project up and running!

Adam Garciaadam.jpg (85232 bytes)

Without the help of Adam, this project would never have made it off the ground. Adam and his stepson, Chris, volunteered their days off to frame the walls in the "Feline Facility." I learned enough from watching Adam to be able to complete most of the construction myself.

Kevin SchillerKevin.jpg (46487 bytes)

Kevin made it possible to build the "Feline Facility" by donating much of the building products needed through The Home Depot. Without his involvement, construction would probably have come to a standstill.

Nick BondNick_Bond.JPG (64730 bytes)

Nick gave up a lot of his time helping to install the sliding doors in the "Feline Facility." Nick also provided a lot of needed muscle! The job couldn't have been finished without him!

A Special Acknowledgement

Many, many thanks to Ms. Raina Edmisten for her continued support!

Very Special Thanks:

To my mother, Dolores Tyler, who has helped me realize my dreams, encouraged me to go to school, and has sacrificed a lot to help me get Spenser's Legacy off the ground. I will make a "farmer" out of her yet!

© 2008 Spenser's Legacy.

Baby sits in a window between two suites.


This is looking down the middle of the "Feline Facility" to the suites.